Relationships among school climate, school safety, and student achievement and well-being: a review of the literature
Corresponding Author
Benjamin Kutsyuruba
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Corresponding author. Faculty of Education, Queen's University, 511 Union Street, Kingston, ON K7M5R7, Canada. Email: [email protected]Search for more papers by this authorCorresponding Author
Benjamin Kutsyuruba
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Corresponding author. Faculty of Education, Queen's University, 511 Union Street, Kingston, ON K7M5R7, Canada. Email: [email protected]Search for more papers by this authorAbstract
School climate, safety and well-being of students are important antecedents of academic achievement. However, school members do not necessarily experience school climate in the same way; rather, their subjective perceptions of the environment and personal characteristics influence individual outcomes and behaviours. Therefore, a closer look at the relationship between school climate, safety, well-being of students and student learning is needed. This review of the literature explores the relationship among school climate, school safety, student academic achievement and student well-being. Using a systematic review approach, we conducted an overview of empirically based research findings and technical reports that address the following aspects: (a) school climate as a social construct and its connection with school safety; (b) the conditions that contribute to an environment in which students feel safe; (c) the characteristics of particular groups of students who feel unsafe; and (d) the impact of a negative school environment (e.g. a school environment where bullying, victimisation and violence are prevalent) on student achievement, ultimately, secondary school completion and student well-being. We summarise the state of school climate research, discuss the implications for school policies and practices in the areas of school climate, safety and student success, and provide recommendations for future research.
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